- Media Coverage, MITACS has selected our collaboration project to share the impact story. Read our story on How Internet of Things can support radio infrastructure.
- April 16th 2020, Our paper entilted "A Holistic Overview of Anticipatory Learning for the Internet of Moving Things: Research Challenges and Opportunities" has been accepted to publish in the Special Issue "State-of-the-Art in Spatial Information Science" of the International Journal of Geo-information. Preprint of this paper can be found [here].
- Hung Cao had successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. The final title of his Ph.D. dissertation is "Developing an Analytics Everywhere Framework for the Internet of Things in Smart City Applications". (Dissertation & Presentation attached).
- November 27th 2019, I am a recipient of the School of Graduate Studies Travel Award 2019
- Hung Cao will defense his PhD dissertation on Friday, November 29th @ 1pm in ADI Studio, Head Hall room C-25. Title: Developing an Analytics Everywhere Framework for the Internet of Things (Abstract attached).
- August 16th 2019, Three papers has been accepted to publish in The 6th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2019).
- August 15th 2019, Our paper has been accepted to publish in the Special Issue "Edge/Fog/Cloud Computing in the Internet of Things" of MDPI Sensors Journal.
- June 9th 2019, We won the best Minimum Viable Products Award from Fred E-hack Smart City Hackathon. (Read more)
- May 20th 2019, we are delighted to announce that our proposed Analytics Everywhere framework paper was accepted to publish in The IEEE Access Journal. Our manuscript entitled, "Analytics Everywhere: generating insights from the Internet of Things" has appeared on IEEE Xplore as an early access version. [Link]
- Hung Cao has been awarded a MITACS Accelerate research project collaborating with Acadia University, Dalhousie University and Rimot Inc. He will soon spend 50% of his time at Rimot Inc. to develop an Edge Computing methodology to analyse the Industrial Internet of Things Ecosystems.
- January 7-11th 2019, I attended the 5th International Winter School on Big Data at Cambridge University, United Kingdom. [Certification]
- Hung Cao is a recipient of the Eugene E. Derenyi Graduate Academic Achievement Award 2018.
- Our paper was accepted to publish in The Computers, Environment and Urban System Journal. Please find more details here.
- Hung Cao has successfully defended his research proposal recently. Please go to this link to find his presentation.